Overcoming Setbacks: Lessons from Moses

January 14, 2024


Embark on a transformative journey as we delve into the powerful series, "If Only I Had Known." Today's sermon takes us into the core of life's challenges, exploring the profound wisdom embedded in the path of Moses. Join us for communion at the end of the service, and let's dive into the crucial message of overcoming setbacks and failures.

Embracing Life's Realities

In the midst of a thriving year at Foundation Church, we extend a warm welcome to our returning college students. As we kick off the series, "If Only I Had Known," the goal is clear—to gain wisdom that shields us from uttering the regretful phrase, "if only I had known." Today's focus: understanding that failures and setbacks are an integral part of life, especially for those pursuing the grand life God has called them to.

Learning from Historical Icons

Drawing inspiration from historical figures, we see that setbacks and failures are not exclusive to any individual. Abraham Lincoln's journey, marked by numerous failures before becoming a revered president, and Michael Jordan's countless setbacks on his path to becoming the greatest basketball player, serve as powerful reminders that success often emerges from navigating failures.

Acknowledging Life's Truth

The reality of life is that setbacks and failures are inevitable. Regardless of our endeavors or identity, each of us will encounter obstacles, especially when pursuing the substantial life that God has envisioned for us. The truth remains—failures are not the end but stepping stones to remarkable comebacks.

Unveiling Moses' Journey

Our exploration turns to the life of Moses, an iconic figure in biblical history. To fully grasp his story, I encourage you to delve into Exodus chapters 2-6. Moses' life unfolds in stages, from being born into adversity to experiencing setbacks and eventually receiving a divine calling.

Embracing Midian

Moses finds himself in Midian, a place defined by strife and conflict. Tending to sheep in obscurity, far from his Egyptian upbringing, Moses spends 40 years in what may seem like an unfulfilling season. Yet, it is in Midian that Moses is being prepared for the greater purpose that lies ahead.

Lessons from Personal Limitations

Drawing parallels from personal experiences, we recognize that limitations and failures are part of the journey. Like Moses learning to shepherd sheep, facing personal limitations and setbacks can be opportunities for growth and preparation for what lies ahead.

Some of God's Greatest Works Emerge from Setbacks

A pivotal truth surfaces—some of God's greatest works, miracles, and moves come out of our most significant setbacks and failures. Highlighting this, we revisit Moses' journey as he faced rejection, defeat, and doubts. The key lies in persevering, as success is often going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.

Resilience in the Face of Setbacks

Examining Moses' life post-Midian, we witness an extraordinary return to the very place of his failure—Egypt. Despite setbacks escalating before improvements, Moses endures and eventually leads the Israelites to freedom. The message is clear: resilience in the face of setbacks is the pathway to God's unfolding plan.

Finding Purpose Amidst Setbacks

Acknowledging that setbacks and failures are part of life, the focus shifts to discovering God's purpose and calling. Each individual is uniquely called to a specific plan, and even in the face of setbacks, one can navigate through them by leaning into God's will.

Staying Obedient Amidst Challenges

The narrative shifts to the apostle Paul, who endured numerous hardships but stayed obedient to God's will. A powerful reminder echoes—stay obedient even when facing unexpected challenges, for God's greatest works are birthed out of perseverance.

Having a Holy Moment

A crucial aspect emerges—having a holy moment before taking new ground. Moses' life-changing encounter at the burning bush serves as a testament to the significance of seeking God's guidance and wisdom before stepping into uncharted territory.

Encouragement to Get Back Up

Closing with a resounding call to action, the message resonates: get back up. Regardless of embarrassment, confusion, or setbacks, the encouragement is to rise again. The assurance is that God is for us, and if He is, no opposition can prevail against His divine plan.


As we conclude this journey into Moses' path and the broader theme of overcoming setbacks, the resounding message is clear—failures and setbacks are not the end but stepping stones to extraordinary comebacks. Embrace the challenges, stay obedient to God's will, and have a holy moment before taking new ground. Remember, getting back up is the key to witnessing God's greatest works in your life.